Healers to Teachers

MD Solve Systems - Premier Online Course Creation & Coaching for Healthcare Professionals

What's included in the

Healers to Teachers


  • Why Create an Online Course - Explore the personal and professional benefits of sharing your healthcare expertise through online education.

  • Choosing Your Course Topic - Tips for selecting a subject that's not only in your area of expertise but also in demand and engaging for your audience.

  • Selecting the Right Platform - Guidance on choosing a user-friendly, feature-rich platform that suits your course content and style.

Download this free guide to start your journey in transforming your healthcare expertise into an engaging and impactful online course today!

  • Converting In-Person Training to Online - Strategies for adapting your existing healthcare training material for an engaging online learning experience.

  • Marketing Your Online Course - Effective techniques to promote your course, including social media strategies, content marketing, and network engagement.

  • Key Considerations for Course Creation - Insights into managing time constraints, handling complex subject matter, overcoming technological challenges, and respecting cultural differences.


I guide healthcare professionals who want to transition from traditional practice to becoming independent course creators and coaches. This has paved the way toward their financial independence and fulfillment both in their personal and professional lives.

Why me?

I am a master's prepared Registered Nurse in education and informatics (technology). I have 15+ years teaching healthcare providers in both the clinical and non clinical environments.

I've held various roles over my career including a Combat Medic in the US Army during 9/11. I also served as an Infection Preventionist, Compliance Officer, Nurse Educator, Program Manager, and Nurse Consultant.

Now, I'm a Tech CEO and your partner in your journey to self actualization.

As healthcare providers we teach our patients every day 1:1, but what about all others that would greatly benefit from our wealth of knowledge and experience?

We teach to improve patient lives and heal the world.

This is why MD Solve Systems (Medical Diversity) was created.

Health involves the whole person.

We would all benefit from all healthcare providers: physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, counselors, other mental health specialists.

Get your Free eBook Healers to Teachers.

Want to talk 1:1 with me to help answer your questions or discuss what your hesitations or perceptions might be about online learning or coaching?

Are you a healthcare provider who wants to teach what you know to make an impact in the world?


I am in the process of creating an online learning platform especially for us healthcare providers.

Would you help me understand your needs, wants, desires, fears about building an online course by booking a call with me?

Use the Calendar Below to Book a Call.

What will we talk about?

What are your biggest challenges or frustrations with transitioning from the clinical setting to teaching online?


What is your fear about becoming an online coach or instructor?

What do you feel you're struggling with the most?

If you could wave a magic wand what would help you reach your goals?

Ready For Financial Independence & Fulfillment Both in Your Personal & Professional Lives?

As healthcare providers we teach our patients every day 1:1, but what about all others that would greatly benefit from our wealth of knowledge and experience to guide them to improve their lives and heal the world?

Pricing Plans

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See what our customers have said about us.

Karen LeDuc, MS, RN CPN, CNS

"I highly recommend, Sara."

Ellen Schmeding, Director

"Sara, I am impressed with your extraordinary work"

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Ads with MD SOLVE work?

MD SOLVE makes it easy for you to plan your marketing campaigns, find insights in your analytics, and act on your insights with targeted ads. Difficult tasks like bidding, remarketing, match types, A/B testing and more are all done for you!c

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, and video content to web users.

How do I connect my ad accounts?

You can connect your desired ad account on your MD SOLVE account. Make sure to select an email that is listed as a user on your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, etc. You can see the email in your Account Access section of Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.

How can you improve the performance of a Google Ads campaign?

We will create ad copy, graphics, and landing pages in a tap to A/B test and improve your results over time. By monitoring and analyzing the campaign performance, we make necessary adjustments to your keywords, ad copy, and/or landing pages, which improves the performance of your Google Ads campaign.

Should I have a Facebook pixel or conversion tracking on my website?

Yes you should! This is how MD SOLVE will be able to boost your performance overtime. If you need help please reach out to admin@mdsolve.com.

Email: savalos@mdsolve.com

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